Theme Options

All global settings can be found in ​Dashboard > Theme Options​. In addition, you can customize:


In "Styling" Tab you can edit: "UI Version​", "Cursor Follower On/Off​", "Background Color​", "Lines Color Light/Dark", "Theme Color​", "Heading Color​", "Section Title Color​", "Paragraph Text Color​", "Text Link Color​", "Heading Font​", "Paragraphs Font​", "Heading Size​", "Paragraph Size​", "Menu Items Size​", "Menu Items Color​".


In "Header" Tab you can edit: "Logo Type Text/Image​", "Logo (Text)​", "Logo (Text) Button On/Off​", "Logo (Text) Button Label​", "Logo (Text) Button Link​", "Logo (Text) Font Size​", "Logo (Text) Font Color​", "Logo (Text) Font Family​".

In "Footer" Tab you can edit: "Copyright", "Social Links", "Social Share".

Blog Posts

In "Blog Posts" Tab you can edit: "Blog subtitle", "Disable/Enabled Categories", "Disable Post Excerpt", "Disable Featured Image".


In "Portfolio" Tab you can edit: "Quick View On/Off", "Disable/Enabled Single Portfolio Link", "Disable/Enabled Portfolio Description", "Disable Featured Image".


In "404" Tab you can edit page.

(Video instructions below):

Cvio - edit global theme settings in Theme Options

Saved your time and you want to thank me? You can image-text 😊

Last updated