Theme Options

All global settings can be found in ​Dashboard > Theme Options​. In addition, you can customize:


In "Styling" Tab you can set up: Background Colors, Theme Color, Paragraphs Color, Buttons BG Color, Buttons Font Color, Additional Buttons BG Color, Additional Buttons Font Color, Paragraphs Font Size, Buttons Font Size, Heading Font Size, Post Heading Font Size, Paragraphs Font, Primary Font, Heading Font.

In "Header & Footer" Tab you can set up: Header Template, Footer Template.

In "Social Links" Tab you can set up: Social icons and links.


In "404" Tab you can set up: 404 page content and image.


In "WooCommerce" Tab you can set up: Sidebar, Parallax Background, Page Title.


In "Preloader" Tab you can set up: Preloader On/Off, Preloader Image, Preloader Color, Preloader Height.

(Video instructions below):

Kaffen - how to change global theme settings in Theme Options

Saved your time and you want to thank me? You can image-text 😊

Last updated