
Create New Project

To create a new project, you need create a new markdown file inside the /content/portfolio/.

All projects files must begin with front matter which is typically used to set a layout or other meta data between "---" and "---"". Text after will be rendered with Markdown and show up as “Content”.

For example standard project file structure:

# preview details
title: Stay Fit
category: Development
category_slug: development
image: images/works/work4.jpg

# full details
full_image: images/works/single1.jpg
  - label: Year
    value: 2022

  - label: Technology
    value: Development, PHP

  enable: true
  title: Project Goal
  text: "<p>Aliquam a sapien diam. Phasellus pulvinar tellus aliquam eleifend consectetur. Sed bibendum leo quis rutrum aliquetmorbi.</p>
  <p>Donec imperdiet risus at tortor consequat maximus et eget magna. Cras ornare sagittis augue, id sollicitudin justo tristique ut. Nullam ex enim, euismod vel bibendum ultrices, fringilla vel eros. Donec euismod leo lectus, et euismod metus euismod sed. Quisque quis suscipit ipsum, at pellentesque velit. Duis a congue sem.</p>"

  enable: true
    - images/blog/blog3.jpg
    - images/works/work4.jpg
    - images/blog/blog4.jpg

  enable: true
  title: Project Result
  text: "<p>Aliquam a sapien diam. Phasellus pulvinar tellus aliquam eleifend consectetur. Sed bibendum leo quis rutrum aliquetmorbi.</p>
  <p>Donec imperdiet risus at tortor consequat maximus et eget magna. Cras ornare sagittis augue, id sollicitudin justo tristique ut. Nullam ex enim, euismod vel bibendum ultrices, fringilla vel eros. Donec euismod leo lectus, et euismod metus euismod sed. Quisque quis suscipit ipsum, at pellentesque velit. Duis a congue sem.</p>"

  enable: true
  poster: images/blog/blog9.jpg
  id: Gu6z6kIukgg

  • "title" - Project title

  • "category" - Project category

  • "category_slug" - Project category Slug (are required, used for filters)

  • "image" - Preview project image URL

  • "other_field" - All other fields are duplicated single portfolio page content structure and you can hide or show this content section by change param enable from true -> false.

Portfolio Filters Settings

If you want to edit portfolio filters go to /config.toml file and find # Portfolio Settings

// Some code
# Portfolio Settings
homeNumOfItems = 12
name = "UI UX Design"
slug = "ui-ux-design"
name = "Photography"
slug = "photography"
name = "Development"
slug = "development"
name = "Branding"
slug = "branding"
  • "homeNumOfItems" - Number of project items on Home Page

  • "params.portfolio.filters -> name" - Portfolio filter category name

  • "params.portfolio.filters -> slug" - Portfolio filter category slug

Last updated