Contact Page

To create Contacts Form, please do the following:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Contact > Contact Forms > Add New.

  2. Enter form name, for example "Contact Form"

  3. In the tab "Form" you can use default form layout or enter this code lines:

    <div class="orb-grid orb-padding-grid">
    	<div class="orb-g-50 orb-sm-100">
    		<div class="orb-group-input">
    			[text* cf-name placeholder "Name"]
    	<div class="orb-g-50 orb-sm-100">
    		<div class="orb-group-input">
    			[email* cf-email placeholder "E-mail"]
    	<div class="orb-g-100">
    		<div class="orb-group-input">
    			[textarea cf-message placeholder "Your message"]
    <div class="orb-form-bottom">
    	<div class="accept-terms-wrap">
    		[checkbox* cf-terms class:inp-cbx "accept"]
    		<label class="cbx terms" for="cbx">
    				<svg width="12px" height="10px" viewbox="0 0 12 10">
    					<polyline points="1.5 6 4.5 9 10.5 1"></polyline>
    			<span>I accept<a href="/orabel/terms/" data-no-swup class="terms-link" target="_blank">terms</a>.</span>
    	<button class="orb-submit-btn" type="submit">
    		<span>Send message</span>
    		<span class="orb-arrow orb-arrow-inline"></span>

  4. In the tab "Mail", enter this your email address.

  5. Save Changes.

To insert Contact form to page, please do the following:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New.

  2. In the tab "Page Attributes" > "Template", select "Elementor Template (Default)". In the tab "Publish" click to "Publish" button.

  3. Click to "Edit with Elementor" button.

  4. In Elementor builder panel drag and drop "Orabel Theme" elements: "Services", "Contact Form" and more.

(Video instructions below):

Last updated

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