Portfolio Pages

To create/edit Portfolio Items, please do the following:

  1. First your need to create Portfolio categories, go to Portfolio > Portfolio categories, enter category name in fields Name & Slug. Click to "Save Changes" button.

  2. Go to Portfolio > New Portfolio (or Edit).

  3. In the tab "Page Attributes" > "Template", select "Layout Builder (Elementor)". In the tab "Publish" click to "Publish/Update" button. Select "Featured Image" and fill "Page Settings" fields.

  4. Click to "Edit with Elementor" button.

  5. In Elementor builder panel add or edit "Courtney Theme" elements and widget.

(Video instructions below):

Courtney - create/edit project item with Elementor

To create/edit Portfolio Page, please do the following:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New (or Edit).

  2. In the tab "Page Attributes" > "Template", select "Layout Builder (Elementor)". In the tab "Publish" click to "Publish" button.

  3. Click to "Edit with Elementor" button.

  4. In Elementor builder panel add or edit "Courtney Theme" elements and widgets: "Portfolio".

(Video instructions below):

Courtney - create/edit projects page with Elementor

Saved your time and you want to thank me? You can image-text 😊

Last updated