Theme Options

All global settings can be found in ​Dashboard > Courtney Options​. In addition, you can customize:

Courtney Options -> Styling:

  • Colors:

In "Colors" Tab you can edit global "Theme Colors": Backgrounds Colors, Accent Colors, Text Colors, Border Colors, etc.

  • Typography

In "Typography" Tab you can edit: Basic Text(font-size, font-weight, font-family, letter-spacing, text-transform), Heading #1 - Heading #6 (font-size, font-weight, font-family, letter-spacing, text-transform), Buttons(font-size, font-weight, font-family, letter-spacing, text-transform, border-radius, heights), etc.

  • Buttons

In "Buttons" Tab you can edit: Buttons(font-size, font-weight, font-family, letter-spacing, text-transform, border-radius, heights), etc.

  • Preloader

In "Preloader" Tab you can edit: Preloader BG color, Preloader Color, Preloader On/Off.

Courtney Options -> General:

  • General

In "General" Tab you can edit: Theme UI Mode(Dark or Light); Smooth Scroll(On/Off); Single Page Mode(On/Off); Gallery (Disable Theme Lightbox).

  • 404

In "404" Tab you can edit 404 error page "Title" and "Content" values.

  • Preloader

In "Preloader" Tab you can edit: Preloader (On/Off), Preloader Text.

  • Social

In "Social" Tab you can edit social icons links.

Courtney Options -> Header & Footer:

  • Header

In "Header" Tab you can select Header template layouts for your website. Then, to create unlimited Header template via Elementor builder, go to Dashboard -> Header & Footer -> Add New / Edit.

  • Footer

In "Footer" Tab you can select Footer template layouts for your website. Then, to create unlimited Footer template via Elementor builder, go to Dashboard -> Header & Footer -> Add New / Edit.

  • Right Panel

In "Right Panel" Tab you can change additional options for right panel Background, Person and Skills images.

Courtney Options -> Blog / Portfolio / Services:

  • Blog

In "Blog" Tab you can edit: Blog Layout, Blog Page, Display categories, Disable post excerpt, Disable featured image, Social Share.

  • Portfolio

In "Portfolio" Tab you can set default portfolio archive page.

  • Services:

In "Services" Tab you can set default services archive page.

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Last updated